Monday, September 24, 2007

Did They Read the Email That I Sent?

We need to defend ourselves against email. It is becoming less useful as a means of personal communication. When I send an email, I wonder if it was read or bundled with the junk.

There is a tool that removes the mystery. It is By the year, it costs $2 per month and works very well. I don't use it often.

Recently a large insurance company owed me for a car and they agreed they did. But the adjuster would only respond to email occasionally. I needed to know if she was getting my email. I used readnotify to establish that she was indeed opening my email. This gave me the information I needed to go over her head in the company. It was not miscommunication. Armed with knowledge that she was stalling (for many months), I called a corporate office and said that my next call would be to the State Insurance Commissioner. I had a phone call from a different adjuster in less than 24 hours and the settlement was a just one.

ReadNotify made the difference.


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